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Christi MacNee (Inspired by The Momma)

Zenitude #29: Let Me Check My Mood Ring & Get Back To You

So The Momma is out visiting us in Laguna Beach this week. Lots of laughter and good wine. Enjoying the laziness of each day, reminiscing and thinking about future days.

We pass by a Psychic Reader and decide “maybe not today.” But it would be fun. Instead, we head into “Art For The Soul,” a new age, inspirational store with really cool stuff – including mood rings! Let’s buy matching mood rings! Little did I know the magic properties of this ring.

The Momma puts on her ring and bam! A solid rich blue color. We hurry to look at our scientifically, medically accurate mood ring chart. Aha! Lovable. She’s lovable!

Okay…let me put mine on!….ummmm….well.

What does a kind of grayish snail slime color mean? Maybe that’s a stupid chart. We can’t depend on it to be accurate. The Momma is all excited and bouncy. “What does it mean? Look and see! Look!” And there we have it. There is no definition, at least on this chart, for the ugly color appearing on my ring. “Find another chart. Find another one.” So I Google “mood ring chart.” Ugh. There it is: Anxious, nervous, strained. I’m at the beach! WTH!

We go about drinking our white wine, overlooking the Pacific Ocean, talking and laughing and occasionally looking down at “THE” ring which is now completely pissing me off. Hers. Blue. Mine. Still…snail slime. We continue drinking some more wine, basking in the sun and loving the day. Still slime. This is ridiculous. We exchange rings because, you know, somehow mine could be “broken.” It’s not. Bing. Hers is solid rich blue in a nanosecond and mine is like – wait for it, wait for it, in slow motion – a gray, slimy, alien creature slowly rising to the surface. And there we go. Slime. I hate this ring!

The saving grace to this entire story and the only reason I didn’t chuck the f***ing ring into the ocean is this. We started talking about my hubby and lo and behold, the ring turns into the richest purple color. And purple means love, passion, romance. Ta-Da! I’m not a wreck after all! I love this ring!

As I type, this scientifically accurate ring is a lovely shade of blue/purple/aqua – loveable, passionate, inner peace, calm (still can’t make up its mind). So how am I? Let me check my mood ring.

Zenitude for today:

Be playful. Have fun. Buy a mood ring.

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